Hello ,Its Me

Abhimanyu S

And iam a

A passionate developer from india

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About Me

Frontend Developer

I am Abhimanyu from Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Currently, I am doing my P.G. I am a passionate developer, and I have basic knowledge of Python, Java, C, ,bash BASH programming languages.

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My Skills

Web Development

I have better knowledge of html and CSS, like front-end development languages

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Graphic Design

I like to do Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Lightroom-like editing applications.

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A good leader should have integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and gratitude aos

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Mca Mini-project

This project presents a comprehensive DRIVER MONITORING SYSTEM is a software intended for automobile drivers

Mca Major-project

Blind Vision is a groundbreaking project aimed at assisting the visually impaired by leveraging cutting-edge technology like computer vision and machine learning. It focuses on three main areas: environment detection, face recognition, and optical character recognition (OCR)

Python Certificate

Course Completion Certificate of "Basics of Python" by infosys

Python Workshop

Joy of computing using python

python basics certificate

cloud computing

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